Stake With Nami

1. Choose Your Browser

Go to the Nami Website and pick your browser of choice for the Nami wallet extension. For this article, we’ll use Google Chrome.

2. Add Extension to Chrome

Click on Add to Chrome, and the extension will install automatically.

If you can’t see it in your extensions on Chrome, click on the Extension Icon for a dropdown list of extensions and pin Nami.

3. Create a New Wallet

Click on the New Wallet button to create a new wallet.

4. Write Down & Save Your Seed Phrase In a Secure Location

Write down your seed phrase to keep it in a secure location off your computer. Keep the seed phrase on hand for step 5, where you will be asked to verify your seed phrase by filling in some blanks.

5. Fill in the Missing Words In the Seed Phrase Order To Verify Your New Wallet

Fill in the blank words that you wrote down in step 4.

6. Create an Account

Choose an account name for your wallet and password. The password will be used for signing in and as a “Spending Password,” so it’s important to remember it. Once you click submit, your new account will be registered, and you can send ADA to your wallet and start staking.

7. Send ADA to your wallet

Click on receive to get your wallet address or QR code and send ADA to your new Nami wallet.

8. Do NOT click on Delegate. Go to to find the Stake Pool you Want to Stake With

The delegate button integrated with the Nami wallet is for the Berry Stake Pool, and it does not take you to an option to search for the stake pool you’ve decided to stake with. To find the stake pool you want to delegate to and stake, you need to go to and search for your stake pool of choice:

9. Join Stake Pool & Select Nami Wallet

Once you click to join, you can click on the Nami Logo to stake your ADA.

10. Sign Your Wallet To Stake Your ADA

Sign with your spending password, and that’s it; your ADA from your Nami Wallet is now staked, and you can start earning passive ADA.

Last updated